Hi! This will be my first time in Chicago. I will be arriving alone, with one suitcase to the O%26#39;Hare International Airport. I have never been to a big city before, so this is quite a first for me since I%26#39;ll be alone. I have a few questions regarding transportation during my trip. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Is it safe to take the Blue Line at 7pm on a weekday and at 12:30 pm on a Saturday if I am alone and am carrying a suitcase?
I will be returning to the airport on a Saturday afternoon. If I take the Airport Express shuttle from my hotel in downtown Chicago at 12:15 (estimated arrival at 1:15) will I be able to make a 2:50 American Airlines flight? Are the Airport Express shuttles usually on time in regard to duration of trip (one hour)? Is 1 1/2 hours enough time to catch my flight?
Questions about Transportation
P.S. I%26#39;m a twenty-something female. I%26#39;m sure this makes me a greater target if the Blue Line is unsafe???
Questions about Transportation
I am a 20 something female. You will be safe on the blue line at those times. You%26#39;ll be surprised on how many fellow travelers will be with you.
You should be OK with the AE shuttle on Saturday afternoon. 90 minutes is plenty of time at ORD.
Please don%26#39;t be apprehensive about using public transportation by yourself. The few times I%26#39;ve been to Chicago I%26#39;ve never felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Just take the same precautions you would use anywhere else - keep your belongings near you, pay attention to your surroundings, etc. Both the El and buses are very easy to use in Chicago - be sure to print out a map from the CTA website or grab one at a station as it will lay everything out for you. You may want to consider buying a multi-day pass for a flat fee so you don%26#39;t have to worry about having the right fares during your stay, if you plan on riding a lot. Have a great time!
Perfectly safe. Only thing I%26#39;d add is that not all stations (actually only a few downtown stops) have elevators. The earlier post contains an excellent recommendation regarding the subway map -- www.transitchicago.com -- the stops that are marked handicap accessible have elevators. Clark and Lake downtown is your best bet on the blue line -- it has elevators and escalators and if your hotel is not nearby, just take a taxi the rest of the way.
Other good/easy option (this is what I would do, if you can spare the extra $$), do the shared taxi from O%26#39;Hare to your hotel. It%26#39;s $18 per person, plus tip, for door-to-door service with 4 passengers max (sometimes only 3).
Thanks to everyone for the advice!!
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